Peter Hardman @ Redpoint Software. February 1998. Email
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What's New in version 1.1.1
• The HelpLess Control wouldn't be recognised a control panel or application on some machines with early versions of system 7. This has now been fixed by making the control a true application.
What's New in version 1.1.
• The HelpLess Control file is now an application instead of a control panel. This makes it easier to build a FAT control application.
• Added support for Simple Internet Version Control (SIVC). If you are connected to the internet SIVC allows you to find out what is the current version of HelpLess and it also gives Redpoint Software a better idea of how many people are using this software. For more information on SIVC see
• Added the facility to move the Help menu (under MacOS 8) back to where it was on machines running System 7.x. This is adapted from an extension written by Leonard Rosenthol at MacHack '97 called TempoHelper.
• Added the facility to exclude some applications from the effects of Helpless.
Why? Well maybe you want the help to work in some applications. Or maybe you have an application that is incompatible with HelpLess and acts funny if HelpLess is active.
Know Problems in version 1.1.
• When the Help menu has been moved then any menu items that are related to Apple Guide files will not work as expected. Usually either nothing happens or the default Help provided by the Finder appears instead! You can work around this problem by using the keyboard shortcut for that menu item instead. Also it has been reported that Microsoft products such as Excel and Word don't behave correctly when the menu is moved. If you have problems with this then we suggest that you don't use this option :-)
• To make the exclusion code as fast as possible HelpLess tracks the applications it wants by the Creator stored in the desktop database. If HelpLess doesn't add your chosen application to the list of excluded applications, or adds it as a generic application, then you may need to rebuild your desktop database. The easiest way to do this is to restart your mac and hold down the command and option keys while the mac is booting up. After the sequence of icons has stopped you should then be presented by a dialog asking if you would like to rebuild the desktop. Say yes and then try excluding the application again.
What's New in version 1.0.2.
• Fixed a bug that stopped HelpLess from being turned off on PPC machines.
• Fixed a bug that mean't that cntrl-E key presses were trapped as Help key presses. This would prevent use of some editors such as Emacs and Alpha which use cntrl key combinations for text navigation.
• Changed the name of the extension so that it should now load first or close to first. This should help reduce extension conflicts that some users have been experiencing.
What's New in version 1.0.1.
• Changed the way that key presses are monitored on PPC machines. Should be more compatible now.
• Fixed a problem with the Control Panel crashing of 68K machines.
Peter Hardman @ Redpoint Software. January 1998. Email